The chapter begins with an account of Karim's life at home and school, the school he attends is a technical school, and, there, he is the victim of some sexual abuse by a teacher and he is also bullied along with the other children of immigrants by his schoolmates. Then there is a discussion between Karim and his father about his love for Eva. Haroon wonders if he can leave his family for her while she is seeing other men. He is also concerned about the pain he will cause to this wife and to his children.
Karim then recalls that David Bowie used to attend his school, and that Charlie had just had some small success, and was criticized for that.
During this time, Karim was still in a relationship with Helen.
At the same time, Jamila is struggling with her own father and decides to ask her uncle Haroon about the situation. After meditating he gives her an answer which is far from clear, but she says that she has made her own decision, although we do not know it yet.
Chapter 6
As Changez--Jamila's husband -to-be -- arrives, he is described. This scene is quickly followed by the preparations for the wedding. After a while, Haroon asks Karim to come with him to see Eva and Charlie. Karim feels that something important is about to happen. Haroon finally explains to Karim that he has decided to live with Eva. Karim understands that Maragaret will need help so he calls his ' abusive and drunk' aunt Jean.
Chapter 7
When he arrives at home, Allie is ouside rocking to and fro, Margaret and Haroon are in their bedroom and Aunt Jean and Uncle Ted are arriving. Allie , Jean and Margaret finally go to Chilsehurt while Karim decides to stay with his dad because ehe can't bear his aunt. There is a whole text about his homelessness after that, and the fact that he had changed schools. There is also a dscription of Jamila and Changez's flat, which focusses on jamila's self education and convictions ( pro black movement and feminist books...). Changez is supposed to work at the shop but it ends up being of no use, and Anwer gets angry. Jamila finally carries on living as if he wasn't there although she is the one to pay for everything. Changez would lie to have a normal life with his wife but Karim tells him that this would never happen, Changez finally meets Shinko, a prostitute who becomes his friend.
Karim visits his mother who is sick and weak at Aunt Jean's house, he is insuted buy his aunt while his mother tells him that nobody loves her.
Later he goes to Jamila and Changez's flat. Changez would like him to distract Jammie while he goes to Shinko and the Tower of London, he finally ends up sleeping with her, and his caught when Changez comes back while he was sleeping next to her. He feels he has betrayed everyone.
Chapter 8
Changez has failed all his exams because he did not sit them and his father is angry. Eva decides to decorate the house completely and asks Ted to work for her to do that. .
As she was spending a lot of money she decided to organise more sessions of meditation by Haroon and people who attended them had to pay. Then Haroon evoked the idea of quitting his job, and Eva agreed saying she would support them, although Karim had doubts on how she could manage.
Finally Eva decides to move into a flat in London, to go further form Margaret.
Packing is the opportunity to discuss Charlie's personality: seducer, too proud, selfish... imbued with himself...
The final paragraph of part one deals with Karim fantasising about London where they are about to settle.
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