one of the book covers chosen to illustrate The Buddha of Suburbia

dimanche 29 avril 2012

BS Chapters1-4

The buddha of Suburbia
by Hanif Kureishi

Chapter by chapter

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Chapter 1 :
Karim is 17 years old and has two different orgins—English (from his mother) and Indian ( from his father). He has a little brother—Allie-- a teenager who has an effeminate behaviour. His father is Indian he practices yoga and teaches yoga lessons at Eva's house. Karim's father is having an affair with Eva. Karim is attracted by Charlie—Eva's son.
Karim's father has been living in England for 20 years. One night karim and his father go to Eva's house so the father may teach yoga. Karim goes to teh attic with Charlie and they talk about music. He goes to the toilets to think about his relation with Charlie, and later goes to the garden, there he observes his father having sex with Eva. Surpirsed he goes back tot eh attic where he has a sexual relation with Charlie. The boys are caught in the act by Karim's father who gets angry. Karim tells his father that he has seen him with Eva, so they decide to keep the secrets.

Chapter 2 :
Eva calls Karim's house and says to him that he should come to see her so she could give him some books. The father who is angry decided to come too. When they arrive, Karim notices that Charlie has dyed his hair . Karim talks with a girl called Helen who is has met on the spot.
This girl is attracted by Karim who is still attracted by Charlie. Karim talks with her about his father's arrival to England.
One day, before going to his aunt jean's house, he goes by Helen's house. Helen's fahter who is racist insults him and forbids him to see his daughter. Then he goes to his aunt's. He goes and watches a match with his uncle Ted. Karim underst&ands that his mother is suspicious of Haroon's relationship with Eva.

Chapter 3 :
First in this chapter there is a presentation of Ted and Jean as 'the two normal unhappy alcoholics '. The scene takes place at Eva's home because she has organised a party with Marianne. A tthe party Charlie meets helen and they excahnge addresses and phone numbers. Karl and Marianne are at the party and meet Jean and Ted.
During this chapter Margaret discovers Haroon's affair with Eva. Haroon now wears extravagant clothes. Karim calls his father 'buddha'/ 'God' for the first time .

Chapter 4 :
Haroon explain to Ted that Ted's heart is broken.
Karim pays a visit to his uncle Anwar's shop where he also find Nawar's wife, called Princess Jeeta, and their daughter Jamila. Karim also describes Miss Cutmore who is important for Jamila : she loves France, French books.
Anwar wants Jamila to get married, and so he calls his brother in India to arrange the wedding. Harron and Anwer have an argument because they disagree with the way to educate their children.

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